Resource for Day 3

Shared by Kyle FidalgoPublic

I asked ChatGPT's o1 model the following:

Hey there, I want to create a Free verse poem expressing my gratitude for the BC Law community. Specifically how they let me express myself through ongoing learning and a passion for teaching others about technology. Specifically education technology. I feel very lucky to be able to explore my passions and interests and bring back what I've learned to help move our faculty staff and students forward. I want you to spell the word "gratitude" as a message in the poem. To do this, you should use the first letter of the second word for each line of the poem.

ChatGPT's Response:

At giving hearts of BC Law, I find my voice
For rising curiosity finds fertile ground
Within adventurous minds, open to my passions
I tether knowledge to eager learners
In illuminated corridors of shared exploration
We trust in the wisdom technology weaves
They uplift my every spark, my every question
As dedicated mentors, they guide faculty and staff
So endless gratitude grows, branching into tomorrow